The Tranish Inquisition clearly shows the Orwellian nature of our Electronic Agora

“You are a slow learner, Winston.”
“How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.”
“Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.” 
― George Orwell, 1984

       My name is William Ray I am a member of the Canadian association of Journalists. My work has appeared in the National Post, The Toronto Star, Esprit De Corps and Quillette Magazine. I have used WordPress since 2014. During that time I have published articles on a host of controversial subjects. I have shared this all via social media, Twitter and Facebook. I have never been censored before on these platforms.

On September 7, 2018 I published an article on called “Stand with Women; Time for men to Join the fight against the worldwide assault on the rights of women and children.”

A thoughtful reply to Stand With Women from a Trans Activist

I received my first email ever from on November 23rd 2018. The e-mail explained that they had already deleted the name of a Trans-woman activist who now uses the name Hailey Heartless or Lisa Kreut . I had written on this person because they had led the charge against Plos-one, the online science journal over the publication of Lisa Littman’s Peer reviewed paper on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. An incredible attempt was made to discredit and suppress this study the day it was published because it showed the Transgender phenomenon in Teens happening in clusters. If this is true then it must have an environmental, and thus not natural or biological cause.

Hailey Heartless also helped have Meghan Murphy, a Vancouver Feminist

writer, barred from the Vancouver Women’s March social media. Hailey Heartless was also involved in the 10 year gas-lighting, and an attempt to de fund the Vancouver Women’s Rape Center by a trans activist. They have now succeeded in defunding the oldest Womans Rape shelter in Canada. Before becoming a self described woman and professional dominatrix, they were a low level union activist with a mans name. I put the name in the article like journalists have done for a hundred years when listing AKA’s or also known as. But WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook are taking the hard line, trans-movement position that to “dead-name” someone is “thought-crime” and some form of violence. This is literally an erasure of the past. A trans activist in the UK is fighting to enshrine this in law, to erase the crimes he committed because…Gender. Apparently the court that really matters in our modern Agora has already ruled on this issue.

On I have interviewed the man who started the R.C.M.P’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams. I produced a video describing him as an over reaching secret policeman.

The Author William Ray being arrested while covering a student demo in Québec 201

After myself and my colleagues were repeatedly arrested and assaulted during the Montréal Police’s violent repression against their citizens, I organized a campaign involving Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that resulted in Commanders of the Montréal police to be forced to a sit-down and agree under mediation by these national organizations to desist in their violence toward journalists. I have uncovered evidence of the Canadian Armed Forces and other Federal agencies practicing the violent targeting of Canadian environmental groups. I have looked into possible atrocities committed by Kurd troops trained by Canadian Special Forces. I have documented the Israeli arms industry testing drones in Québec. None of these powerful players censored me.

E-Mail from

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” ― George Orwell, 1984 has also taken down GenderTrender and half a dozen other sites completely that discuss the Gender issue in a non allowed fashion.

Less than 24 hours after receiving’s Ministry of Truth missive I was suspended for a second time from Twitter, this time for 6 days . Both times for the sin of “dead naming.”

This offense was in relation to an individual who calls themselves @trustednerd on Twitter and Jonathan Yaniv on Facebook. This individual who under BC law can “self ID” as a woman now has access to all female spaces.

click on image to see more

This individual is an intact male biologically. This individual used access to female spaces to comment on their bodies and wonder if he could help with tampons.Some of the girls he mentions are as young as 10, “”“If I notice a 10-year-old girl that’s nude from below…Is it weird to just approach her? Just to bond?” I tweeted this name with the word pedophile. I was suspended from Twitter for six days. From what I can tell the problem wasn’t calling this person a pedophile, it was using the name this individual uses themselves on social media.

While no one should give much of a fuck about my media issues. You should all be incredibly terrified about what this means for the fabric of the society you live in. This is a fundamental shift in social control, of the ability to speak our own truth about the world before us. We are entering a world where we can no longer trust the past, as it is updated constantly to fit with ideology. This is being done directly by corporations. Corporations are bound by law to externalize all other factors and make as much money as possible. Corporations have their own class interests. Spoiler alert, they don’t match with yours or mine in any significant way.

As a society we have thrown away newspapers and all other traditional media. We long ago stopped actually speaking to each other preferring the warm glow of our TV sets. Even the few public places of human contact and discourse; line ups , bus stops, common rooms, cafés, waiting rooms and the like, have been turned into deathly silent monasteries full of the faithful bowed in supplication over our small plastic icons. We have completely turned the public sphere over to multinational corporations like Facebook, Twitter and WordPress. They are our preeminent forms of communication. They provide the main conduit for news and public discussion in our society. For proof of this look no further than the spectacle surrounding the 2016 U.S. elections. Look at who was called in front of congress, it was not the network TV heads, nor was it the editors of major papers, it was Mark Zuckerburg. And we have just found out from an insider that Facebook has been working hard to shape your views.

Let us use the transgender issue as a barometer of the possible, the very possible in our new privately owned Public Sphere. There has been a completely draconian, massively partisan push for the most extreme demands of trans activists across social media and throughout the Tech industry.

Not Banned by Twitter

Any questioning of this issue is met with de-platforming. Meghan Murphy, a respected Feminist writer and pundit was banned from Twitter for life for calling @trutednerd a man. Trans activists are currently trying to prevent her from even speaking at the Vancouver library. They went so far as to send a fake cancellation notice to local media in her name. Even the most gentle questioning, couched in fawning support, like the recent Atlantic article by Jesse Singal is met with rage and threats of de-platforming. Even though he was speaking about the safety of children, something we used to center in our society.

“Never put a single thought of weakness in the flourishing minds of the children. Fill them up with vigour and compassion, for their character will define the future of the entire human species.”
― Abhijit Naskar

They employ Ministry of Truth efficiency, no doubt thousands of Winston Smiths toiling away in internet sweat shops, to erase any sign of debate any questioning of a doctrine that literally tells you to ignore the evidence of your senses and reason. This is literally a fight for the ability to define objective truth and the control of history. We must ignore fundamental characteristics in those around us. We must ignore their actual history, submit to allowing a collective public memory hole. Type into Google, that word that has become synonymous with acquiring knowledge, any subject with the word Transgender.

I’m not kidding try it

Take note that most of the first page is filled with trans rights organization sites or glowing press reports. Even in the midst of controversy, even when you search for contentious issues with trans ideology the result is the same. This is very deliberate SEO management. Most people never go beyond the first page. Go ahead try it.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984

If this is allowed to happen, then what comes next? What facts will we be required to ignore. What reality will we be required to substitute for objective truth. What other beliefs and views will be selected for us. At present it is the basic reality of our own biology. So the bar is already high. Will it be a political viewpoint that disappears downScreen Shot 2019-03-18 at 11.17.57 AM.png the memory hole? Will we be instructed on the reality we must see in the face of some new war or other corporate agenda? What will we be required to forget? Never before in our history could all the books in the library be rewritten, or the newspapers reprinted. Now they can be and often are. Google has just disappeared one of the founding members of Greenpeace because it doesn’t like his view on climate change

Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit AtrocitiesVoltaire

Not banned by Twitter

Jürgen Habermas, one of the fundamental thinkers on public sphere communication traces the breakdown of the hierarchically directed “representational” culture which imposed its views to the Public Sphere for most of human history. Religion controlled humanity for eons by controlling the means of communication. Only the scribes wrote in Egypt and the theme carried to the catholic church of the middle ages. Nothing could be written but for the glory of god. And the objective reality you observe must be subsumed to doctrine, as Galileo famously learned. This was true from the invention of cuneiform in the mists of human origins to the Renaissance with few exceptions. Habermas posited that the public sphere arose outside the control of the state or other authorities. Interested actors exchange open views regardless of class or societal standing

Media is central to our public sphere because it has “specific means for transmitting information and influencing those who receive it”. Seyla Benhabib further argues that if the public sphere is to be open to any discussion that affects the population, there cannot be distinctions between “what is” and “what is not” discussed.

Not Banned by Twitter

If we allow social media companies to decide what is and is not discussed then we surrender our ability to influence the public sphere and we revert to the control of thought that it took most of our history to throw off. In an era where social media is the gatekeeper for 70 % of North Americans news and opinion, its reach is all pervasive. We have traded all of our coffee shops and salons, library’s and public houses with the sweaty in your face energy of actual human contact for the cold silicone walls of our new masters virtual world of smoke and mirrors. It almost solely comprises the new public sphere. If we allow these massive social media companies to decide what is and is not discussed then we surrender our ability to influence the public sphere and we revert to the control of thought that kept our race in chains so long.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country”

Edward L. Bernays

Father of modern Propaganda

These online ghostly presences, the vaporous temples of technology pervade every inch of our lives and culture. From the gas pump and urinal TV’s to our fridges knowing when we are out of milk. These constitute both the hieroglyphs and the papyrus of our day. If the high priests of the corporate sphere are allowed to control them completely, and at their whim, then we return to the eons of dogmatic belief and the ruthless manipulation of fact that it took all of our history to escape. Technology allows for the instant alteration of reality in image processing and the ability to rewrite the scrolls at any time with no trace. Our slavish dependence on it allows corporations to shape our base perceptions of reality through computer aided modeling of our desires, passions and hatreds. We have surrendered everything voluntarily to these conglomerates, literally record our thoughts on their “walls”, but we are somehow shocked to the core when they use it to make money or influence us. We are literally plugging ourselves voluntarily in.

“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.”

Not Banned By Twitter

Doing all this under the banner of inclusion and tolerance while practicing exactly the opposite has to be admired for its dark brilliance. Silencing people who differ with your opinion under the banner of “inclusion and tolerance”, labeling dissent as hate speech, while allowing the the most vile racism, the most outrageous calls to violence under the banner of “context” is wickedly effective. Jack is a very clever boy.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  Edmund Burke

Not Banned by Twitter

Many of you think that all of this is a Revolutionary step forward. That this destabilizing dogma will bring down the Capitalist system and herald in some golden age of human development. If that is the case then why is the mainstream media in lockstep with your program? The MSM is wholly owned by a very few people with everything to gain from the continuation of the “system”, Why is it being funded by the pharmaceutical sector? Why have some of the largest corporations in the world fallen over themselves to advance your every dogmatic whim? Why is Jack, who heads a $732 million a year corporation and is personally worth 5 Billion USD, helping end Capitalism? Why would Jack do that?

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”― Sun tzu, The Art of War

This along with other related Identity Politic issues have completely atomized the Left. And now the Trans movement is looking to destroy the Women’s movement. Historically

Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at 10.59.13 AM.png
The Vice President of B.C’s ruling NDP party Responding to Women’s rights activists

the strongest social movements of the 20th century had their roots wholly and partly in the Women’s movement. Civil Rights, Anti Nuclear, the Environmental movement, all either came out of or were nurtured by the Women’s movement. Now Women’s groups cant even meet openly in some jurisdictions because of the massive social and political power of this so called marginalized group. You are being played.


“The key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by political and economic elites, through the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information.”― Noam Chomsky

I stand with reality. I stand for objective evidence and free thought. I will continue to stand with Women and Children and Parents against this dark imposed epistemology.

16 thoughts on “The Tranish Inquisition clearly shows the Orwellian nature of our Electronic Agora

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  1. Danica Lee has had its accounts suspended multiple times and keeps making ones to spew garbage.

    I can’t believe greyhound would employ a piece of shit like that. I don’t understand how people can expect me to treat it as female when it talks about swinging their dick in people’s faces.

    If that’s the picture of what a woman is, I will gladly switch genders.


  2. Psy-op. We are all being played. The fact is, those in power are intentionally destabilizing families, feminism, politics, educational institutions, prisons in order to disorient the population and have us all distracted and at each other’s throats while they cash in before the environmental, social and political collapse happens in earnest. This article details who’s behind the massive media support for transgender ideology: I believe it’s a major push to get people to accept transhumanism which is a denial of material reality and truly diabolical in it’s scope.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I read that article. It’s rather revolting that a woman was instrumental in starting us on this trajectory of transgender ideology.


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