The Covid Information Centipede and Excess Death in Canada

On May 2nd that bastion of Canadian truthyness published an article titled Excess deaths in N.S. recently hit peak since start of COVID-19 pandemic. So unusually I will give the CBC due regard for a credible headline. Unfortunately dear reader that may be one of the final truths our national nanny tells in the actual piece. But what they do offer us is a very clear window into Canada’s narrative sausage factory. What we find is a very interconnected web of insiders who have created a maze of interlocking corporate partnerships, non profits, non partisan think tanks and pressure groups linked directly to one of Canada’s largest polling firms and the senior civil service and politicians whose interests they serve as a control mechanism. And the best part is dear reader you pay for much of it with your tax dollars. Though this system government can produce whatever narrative it requires coming out of its exert groups, the polling provides the appearance of public support or outrage as required and then our attentive politicians act based on this web of lies and spin.

So in our particular case on excess Deaths. The Nova Scotia Government has been steadfastly silent. First delaying the release of the statistics then refusing to comment on them. So the Nova Scotia Government needs cover. CBC is on the way. So first we are presented with the assertion based on nothing that it is probably Covid by our first sketchy non profit  COVID-19 Resources Canada and its designated expert Tara Moriarty. So Covid 19 Resources Canada which received funding from the Liberals is headed by Dr. Moriarty and Dr. Guillaume Bourque. Lets start with Dr. Bourque Professor in the Department of Human Genetics and the Director of Bioinformatics at the McGill Genome Centre. He is about to get rich from the Liberal Government

Bourque also works with Dr Fauci and the same NIH that paid the bills at Wuhan.

The ironically named Professor Moriarty is also a recipient of loads of Canadian tax dollars in her research on Tic borne diseases at the Moriarty Clinic. She even manages to shill for climate change and vaccines while doing it

We are then bizarrely presented with the idea that opioids are to blame …but not really

Another possible cause of excess mortality is opioid overdoses. Based on preliminary data, the province believes there were 62 deaths last year from opioid overdoses. That number is not unusually high — there were higher numbers in 2012, 2014 and 2017.

Now the actual purpose of the entire piece is reveled as we are introduced to Tim Caulfield, a misinformation expert who is the Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy at the University of Alberta and very sternly assured that whatever is causing the excess deaths it is not the vaccines. Well thank goodness that’s cleared up. Tim Caulfield has been a Trudeau Foundation Fellow since 2o13. He has a Bachelors in science from 1987 but the rest of his training is in Health Law. He got his Doctorate in Law at Dalhousie in 1993 and immediately became the head of Research Director of the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta. He has been a major voice of Covid authoritarianism for the last 3 years. Tim was strangely prepared for this role by staring in a 2o17 2o18 TV documentaries on debunking science conspiracy theories called A User’s Guide to Cheating Death with Timothy Caulfield. The trailer is beyond ironic. Strangely his Wikipedia page notes, Caulfield has advocated for medical professionals to not exaggerate potential benefits of new unproven treatments in fields that have only long-term potential . Tim was essentially established as a medical exert for kicking Vagina candle ladies ass in a trade book Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? in 2015.. After his TV debut he becomes a general mouthpiece for everything Woke, from Climate change and Gender theory to White privilege hes a go to guy in Canadian MSM. In the early part of the Covid event he surfaces in a highly funded Liberal information dominance scheme called Science Up First a fully Liberal funded attempt to suppress any dissent. He was recently awarded the Order of Canada for his long service in destroying it.

His role in the article is to lecture any who might wonder about the causes of this strange increase in people dying around them it isn’t the vaccines and to even think such a thing could cause someones death. To back that incredible claim he cites the very expert sounding Council of Canadian Academies (CCA). They in turn assert in a government funded report that what they term misinformation, cost 2,800 lives and $300 million in hospital expenses over nine months of the pandemic,. So the CCA is chaired by Chantal Guay who also happens to be a very highly paid Trudeau appointee

The CCA is also as you may have come to suspect funded with taxpayer money

Now interestingly the CCA in they’re report cite getting all of their statistics from Abacus Data. Abacus Data CEO Bruce Anderson even wrote an article about the Data set in Macleans proudly boasting , Since vaccines against COVID-19 first came into view last fall, our team at Abacus Data has been studying public opinion about getting vaccinated. After more than 30,000 interviews on the subject here’s where we stand; all of our work has been shared as a contribution to a coalition of organizations working together to help promote vaccinations. Well that sounds unbiased. Thing is

What a tangled web we weave indeed

William Ray

5 thoughts on “The Covid Information Centipede and Excess Death in Canada

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  1. We can’t go soft on authoritarianism, Medical Abuse, Censorship., misleading messages from Ottawa, and not forget what is needed with creative actions like the Trucker Convoy to make clear we are alive, we have human rights and we don’t take fancy lies as truth.


  2. People might think they have ‘human rights’, however you have nothing if you can’t enforce your so-called ‘rights’.

    Until there is a death penalty for crimes against humanity, treason, human tafficking, child sexual abuse, drug and gun trafficking, all you can do is play the same record over and over that claims we have human rights, blah, blah.


  3. Of interest, I spoke with the journalist. Interesting conversation. He considered Dr. Moriarty the definitive expert on these issues because she was the “head of the committee”. You know: THE committee. The one that has a monopoly on COVID information.
    I also mentioned that Tim Caulfield is hired by, and paid by, the same government that made the policies (lockdown, mandatory vax, school closures) that they have a STRONG vested interest (to say the least) in continuing to defend. If anyone pokes scientific holes in these policies, then they get outed as having killed people. (Oopsie!). Mr. Journalist was uninterested, and you could tell he thought I was a kook. Of course, if I was legitimate I would have a highly-placed government job…


    1. jha man My wife actually tracked it in under thirty minutes after being offended by the article..I just wrote it u but I had tracked Caufield previously from Science Up…I find his coincidental previous framing as an exert……interesting


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